Penetration Grade Bitumen [PGB]
Penetration grade bitumen is a standard bitumen usually used as a paving grade bitumen essential for road construction and production of asphalt pavements with superior properties
Penetration grade bitumen is mainly used in road surfacing. Allianceco supplies penetration graded Bitumen in compliance with international standards:
Penetration Grade Bitumen is a visco-elastic material, whose properties are affected by both the temperature and the time during which a force is applied to it.
Different grades of bitumen reflect differing viscoelastic resistance to deformation.
Allianceco finds that supply chains play a critical role in bitumen’s markets. Companies are increasingly challenging their supply chains on multiple dimensions, including flexibility, cost reduction, predictable risk management and customer service levels.
We believe that a supply chain that is closely aligned with business strategy helps to advance business objectives and achieve sustained, profitable growth
Our supply chain solutions help ensure that our services are a source of competitive advantage for meeting both short- and long-term goals.