Pulsar Instruments are proud to launch our brand-new noise awareness training course, aiming to educate health and safety professionals on the dangers of noise at work, and give them the confidence to take their own readings and understand the results.
Our new noise awareness course is split up into six easy-to-digest modules so that you can complete the course in your own time, revisit it if needed, and take the time you need to be able to understand the regulations entirely.
Our course is aimed at people responsible for health and safety in their organisations and will help you address the following questions:
· Do we have a noise at work problem, and if so, who is at risk?
· How do I comply with the ‘Controlling Noise at Work Regulations 2005?
· What do I need to measure, and why should I calibrate my noise monitoring equipment?
· How do I apply my measurements to the current action levels and exposure limits?
· What should I do if we exceed any of these levels or limits?
· Why do we need Noise Risk Assessment Surveys?
Our courses are expert-led, with Pulsar’s General Manager, Simon Rehill A.M.I.O.A, guiding delegates through the course content. Simon is an Associate Member of IOSH and the Institute of Acoustics (IOA), and a Technical Member of IOSH. Simon has also achieved Competent Person status for the assessment of noise and vibration, passed the IOA Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control, and is the lead consultant for Pulsar Instruments, regularly conducting noise and vibration assessments for clients.
You can now get lifetime access to this online noise awareness course for just £99 by visiting the new Pulsar Academy website at www.academy.pulsarinstruments.com, drop us a message on our live chat or give us a call on +44 1723 339 715. We are here to answer any of your questions.