Budget training for nonfinancial managers improves your financial skills

Budget training for nonfinancial managers: book, assessment and CPD course [Budget training for nonfinancial managers]

Being responsible for public funds is one of the most important jobs in public sector and non-profit organisations, yet many managers have not received formal training. HB Publications provide budget training for nonfinancial managers. The training helps managers set and control effective budgets, which ensure the quality longevity of public and non-profit services.

HB Publications provide three types of budget training for nonfinancial managers.

  • Book/eBook: Managing the devolved budget 2nd edition
  • Online assessments
  • Continuous professional development courses

Book/eBook: Managing the devolved budget, 2nd edition

This book is ideal for anyone who is responsible for public sector budget management. The book helps managers understand budget devolvement, and how to prepare, control and manage budgets. The book is ideal for managers who don’t have formal financial training, and it will help them be more effective budget managers.

The book is written in simple English, so it is accessible to staff at all levels. The book is available in print or eBook format.

  • Title: Managing the devolved budget, 2nd edition
  • Series: Essential Skills for the Public Sector
  • Authors: Jennifer Bean and Lascelles Hussey
  • Language: English
  • Publication date: 2011
  • Publisher: HB Publications
  • ISBN: 978 1899448 722
  • Size: 150x210
  • Pages: 156

Online budgeting skills assessments

Online skills assessments are a cost-effective method of budget training for nonfinancial managers. Each assessment provides a report with the person’s score and areas for improvement. This allows you to identify topics for further training.

Three attempts at each assessment are allowed. The online assessments have been used by organisations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Two budgeting assessments are available:

  • Budget Monitoring and Control
  • Budget Setting Skills

Contact HB Publications for more information.

Continuous professional development courses

Three CPD budget training for nonfinancial managers are available.

Budget Setting, management and Control

This course provides training on all aspects of budget setting, management and control. The course helps managers understand important techniques such as variance analysis and commitment accounting.

Managing the Devolved Budget (book and online assessment)

This course uses the book, “managing the devolved budget”, and an online assessment (details above). The course helps managers understand the principles of budgeting and practically implement budget management techniques. 

Managing Budgets in the Public and Non-Profit Sector (online)

This online course helps public sector and non-profit managers monitor and control budgets. The course focuses on achieving organisational objectives with limited funds.

If you would like more information, please contact HB Publications using the form below.

About HB Publications

HB Publications is a provider of books, online assessments, CPD courses, and training and consultancy to the public sector. HB Publications staff have over 25 years’ experience of training public sector and non-profit organisations all over the world.

Contact HB Publications for more information about budget training for nonfinancial managers.

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