Basic finance for non-finance managers training improves public sector budgeting

Financial books and online assessment [Basic finance for non-financial managers]

HB Publications provides public and non-profit organisations with books and online assessments, which include skills in basic finance for non-finance managers. These skills are ideal for employees that have financial responsibilities or those that have to prepare and present financial information. Basic finance skills are essential for employees who have not received any formal financial training and are challenged by simple calculations.

HB Publications provides the following:

  • Books/eBooks: Basic financial skills for the public sector, 2nd Edition; Finance for non-financial public sector managers, 2nd Edition
  • Online financial competency assessments: Basic maths and statistics, Finance for non-financial managers, financial accounting techniques

Contact HB Publications now for more information.

Basic finance for non-finance managers: Books

The books are part of the series called, ‘Essential skills for public sector’. Both books include examples and practical exercises to help learners apply their theoretical knowledge in real life situations. The books are written in a simple style to make it accessible to all involved.

Basic financial skills for the public sector, 2nd Edition

The book assists learners in understanding and presenting financial information. The book explains/demonstrates: basic financial calculations like percentages and fractions, statistics and spreadsheets, and project appraisals techniques. 

Finance for non-financial public sector managers, 2nd Edition

As a public sector manager, it is essential to have a strong foundational knowledge of finance. This book explains the principles of finance as well as other relevant financial information such as income and expenditure accounts, balance sheet, cashflow, and financial performance indicators.

For more information about the content of the books, contact HB Publications now.

Basic finance for non-finance managers: online financial assessments

HB Publications provides three online assessments for non-financial managers

  • Basic maths and statistics
  • Finance for non-financial managers
  • Financial accounting techniques

These online assessments assist in the development of skills and knowledge in basic finance.

In total, three attempts of the assessments are permitted. After completion of the assessment, a report is provided to indicate the level of competency achieved. This provides learners with a chance to improve.

Basic maths and statistics

  • Introduction
  • Basic mathematical terms
  • Using the calculator
  • What is a fraction?
  • Calculating percentages
  • Ratios
  • Types of averages – mean, mode, and median
  • Maths in the workplace
  • Probabilities
  • Statistics, and more statistics
  • Collecting and analysing data
  • Presenting data
  • Types of graph
  • Return on investment
  • Payback period
  • Net present value
  • Cost benefit analysis

Finance for non-financial managers

  • Basic financial terms and simple definitions
  • Types of income
  • Types of revenue expenditure
  • Types of assets and liabilities
  • Financial statements
  • Accounting terminology
  • Processing financial transactions
  • Financial accounting systems
  • Crucial accounting ratios
  • Financial performance indicators

Financial accounting techniques

  • Basic financial terms and simple definitions
  • Basics of financial accounting
  • Processing financial transactions
  • Bank reconciliations
  • Payroll reconciliations
  • Other crucial reconciliations
  • Debtors and creditors
  • Prepayments and accruals
  • Provisions and reserves
  • Developing a trial balance
  • Year-end accounting adjustments
  • Making journal entries
  • Accounting for grants
  • Producing financial statements
  • Financial accounting system
  • Importance of division of duties

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