Budgeting and financial management in the public sector training for managers

Budget management [Budgeting and financial management in the public sector]

Public sector managers are often responsible for providing quality service with limited available resources. Yet, the demand for public services keeps growing. It is now more important than ever for managers to be effective and efficient in budgeting and financial management in the public sector. Yet, they seldom have the support or the formal training to do so effectively.

HB Publications provides the following to assist managers:

  • Book/eBook: Managing the devolved budget, 2nd edition
  • Online financial competency assessments: Budget setting skills, budget management and control
  • CPD courses: Budget setting, management and control; Managing the devolved budget, Managing budgets in the public and non-profit sector

Budgeting and financial management in the public sector: Book

Managing the devolved budget

This book is part of the series called, ‘Essential skills for the public sector’. The book includes topics such as: the process of devolvement, preparing budgets, controlling and monitoring budgets, understanding financial information, and the link between management and financial management.

The book encourages learning and continuous improvement. Written in simple English, the book is accessible to everyone involved in the budgeting procedure. The book helps managers to provide improved value for money service, which benefits the whole community.

Book details:

  • Title: Managing the Devolved Budget, 2nd edition
  • Series: Essential Skills for the Public Sector
  • Authors: Jennifer Bean and Lascelles Hussey
  • Language: English
  • Publication date: 2011
  • Publisher: HB Publications
  • ISBN: 978 1899448 722
  • Size: 150 × 210
  • Pages: 156 pages

This book is also available as an eBook. Contact HB publications for more information about the content of the book.

Budgeting and financial management in the public sector: Online assessments

HB Publications provides two online financial competency assessments for public sector managers.

  • Budget setting skills
  • Budget monitoring and control

These online assessments also include training materials that assist in the development of skills and knowledge in budgeting and financial management.

In total, three attempts of the assessments are permitted. After completion of the assessment, a report is provided to indicate the level of competency achieved. This provides learners with a chance to improve.

Budget setting skills

  • What is a budget
  • Budget setting is important
  • Budget setting process
  • Budget setting techniques
  • Cash limited budgets
  • Budget factors
  • Budget setting assumptions
  • Budgeting -v- costing
  • Calculating unit cost
  • Activity based budgeting
  • Budgeting for salaries
  • Demand led budgets
  • Profiling budgets
  • Forecasting income
  • Crucial factors for successful budgeting

Budget monitoring and control

  • Budget monitoring
  • Steps in the monitoring process
  • Establishing actual income and expenditure
  • Commitment accounting
  • Variance analysis
  • Calculating variances
  • Reasons for variances
  • What to do about variances
  • Budget control factors
  • Uncontrollable variances
  • Taking action to control variances
  • Budget virement
  • Demand led budgets
  • Responsibility for budget monitoring
  • Monthly monitoring routines
  • Projecting outturns
  • Financial management information
  • Budget monitoring reports

For more details, contact us now.

Budgeting and financial management in the public sector: CPD course

Budget setting; management and control

The course aims to assist managers from the public and non-profit sector. The budget management course includes topics such as budget setting, management and control, and techniques such as variance analysis and commitment accounting.

This course can be customised for organisations. For more information, contact HB Publications by filling out the form below.

Managing the devolved budget (independent study)

This CPD course is ideal for independent learners. It consists of a book (with the same title) and one of the two online assessments discussed above. Ideal for public sector managers, the course helps them to effectively manage their organisation’s budgets. The programme improves the learner’s ability to practically implement budget management techniques.

Managing budgets in the public and non-profit sector (online course)

The online course helps learners develop their skills in budget monitoring and controlling. The course focuses on helping managers provide quality services within their limited resources.

For more information about budgeting and financial management in the public sector, contact us now.

Contact HB Publications and Training International

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