English Search Results For "a"

Construction sites cause environment noise pollution. Use a Cirrus sound meter to assess noise levels.
Environment noise monitors and sound level solutions

Environment noise monitoring is increasingly important. Airports, roads and power stations cause noise pollution for countless people.

Emerson Fisher Supplier in the UK
Emerson Fisher Supplier in the UK for Oil and Gas industry

Emerson Fisher Supplier in the UK - NAAS Corporation Ltd Contact NAAS today for a quick quotation @ export@naasuk.com or…

Siemens electric supplier from the UK -contactor
Siemens Electric Supplier from the UK | NAAS Corporation Limited

Siemens Electric Supplier From the UK - NAAS Corporation Ltd Contact NAAS today for a quick quotation @ export@naasuk.com or…

sntp server uk - TS-900 front view
Galleon Systems SNTP server UK

Rack-mount GPS clock, antenna and NTP server software to convert an existing Windows (XP, 7, 10, 2008, 2012, 2016) PC to a reliable

Waterproof Outdoor TV Enclosure
Waterproof Outdoor TV Enclosure

Providing superior protection, the waterproof outdoor TV enclosure enables you to bring your indoor TV ouside, safely. This high

Emerson Fisher Control Supplier in the UK  - fisher valves, fisher regulator
Emerson Fisher Control Supplier in the UK for Oil and Gas industry

Emerson Fisher Control Supplier in the UK - NAAS Corporation Ltd Contact NAAS today for a quick quotation @ export@naasuk.com or…

PoE clock
Accurate PoE clock

Galleon Systems PoE clock: Can be synchronized with any Network Time Server – NTP/SNTP. Can be configured from any PC connected to

Things to consider when starting an export business
Starting an export business is now easy

Technology has advanced greatly in recent years. Digital technology has changed the way we live, work and communicate. Agricultural,…

UK Debt Collection requires special skills, good access to information and experience. At CLI we have this know-how for the UK market and we have developed our own negotiation techniques over a 20 year period. If you have not managed to obtain payment from your customers through your own in-house chasing procedures, we will help you collect the debt they owe you
UK Debt Collection - Credit Limits International

UK Debt Collection UK Debt Collection Agency Credit Limits International is the only Small Agency to have received an Award from the

Galleon NTP GPS clock

Galleon Systems is a leading NTP GPS clock manufacturer. The Galleon NTP time sever can handle more than 500,000 NTP requests per

Rugged touch screen SENC-750 from Armagard
Rugged touch screen enclosure for PC protection

The 17-inch rugged touch screen enclosure protects PCs in wet and dirty environments. The touch screen uses the most accurate

outdoor sound level meter
outdoor sound level meter | Cirrus Research environmental noise kit

Cirrus Research is a leading manufacturer of outdoor sound level meters. Environmental noise kits enable the user to take outdoor

GPS SNTP server. Front view
Stratum 1 GPS SNTP server

Galleon Systems offers your business a dedicated GPS SNTP server that operates from inside your firewall. This ensures you receive

Cirrus noise dosimeter kit
noise dosimeter kit | Cirrus Research safety officer measurement kit

Cirrus Research is a leading manufacturer of noise dosimeter kits. The safety officer noise measurement kit enables the user to

GPS NTP time server
Stratum 1 GPS NTP time server

The GPS NTP time server from Galleon Systems incorporates a GPS time receiver and a stratum 1 NTP time server. The server, a Linux

NTS-4000 network time sync server
Network time sync with NTP servers

Does your business or organisation depend on time synchronised operations? Galleon manufactures network time sync servers, which

Blueguard indestructible socks in blue and black in original packaging
Indestructible socks proven to last 46 times longer than standard sports socks

Standard socks are only made to last a few months. When holes begin to appear, your feet are at risk of damage. Blueguard

Ethernet NTP clock
Synchronized ethernet NTP clock

Synchronize your time and operations with a Galleon Systems ethernet NTP clock. The SignalClocks are manufactured in the UK and are…

Galleon GPS time server
GPS Time Server

A GPS time server synchronises time and provides a reliable stratum 1 response with 3,000 time requests per minute. The IP address

Blueguard work socks in black and blue
Durable work socks proven to last 46 times longer than standard sports socks

Are you constantly spending money on socks that don’t last? Blueguard work socks are scientifically proven to last 46 times longer

export from UK and increase revenue
Export from UK using online marketing tools

Export from UK by using online marketing tools from ExportWorldwide to increase sales. Online marketing can do more than just increase

Computer enclosure PENC-900
Computer Enclosure IP54 Protection for Industrial Environments

Computer Enclosure For Computer Protection Our PENC-900 series computer enclosure is all-in-one and built to IP54 Nema Rating

Cirrus noise dosimeter
Cirrus noise dosimeter | Cirrus Research DoseBadge5

The DoseBadge5 is a next generation Cirrus noise dosimeter. The noise dosimeter measures how much noise a person is exposed to.

Blueguard work boot socks in black and blue and in original packaging
Durable work boot socks with a lifetime guarantee

Most socks aren’t suitable for work. They’re so easily damaged that regular holes start to appear after just a few washes.…