English Search Results For "gps-msf"

Dual Ethernet NTP Server front
Dual Ethernet NTP Server - Galleon NTS-6002-GPS-MSF

Dual ethernet NTP server NTS-6002-GPS-MSF dual ethernet NTP server is a highly accurate network timing device. The unit synchronises

Secure NTP Server side view
Secure NTP server inside your firewall

Galleon Systems provides a secure network time protocol (NTP) server that sits inside your firewall and delivers highly accurate time from

NTP server front
NTP server for GPS and radio time

Precise and reliable Windows Server Stratum 1 dual time source NTP Server for large networks. True stratum 1 NTP time server Dual

time synchronized with NTP server NTS-6002 front view
Time synchronized with NTP server from Galleon Systems

Time synchronized with NTP servers is accurate, reliable and secure. Galleon NTP servers connect to GPS and radio sources to receive…

Galleon NTP synchronisation
NTP Synchronisation

NTP synchronisation servers receive accurate time from both a GPS and radio source, ensuring that the time sent to your computers and

Galleon network time server appliance
Network Time Server Appliance

A network time server appliance receives accurate time from both a GPS and radio source, ensuring that the time is reliable and exact.

Galleon ethernet time synchronization
Ethernet Time Synchronization

Galleon Systems uses ethernet time synchronization to produce accurate time. The NTP time servers receive accurate time from both a GPS

Rackmount dual time server NTS-8000 front view open
rackmount dual time server for accurate time

A rackmount dual time server receives accurate time from a GPS and radio source. Galleon Systems rackmount NTP servers can fit into a

Reliable NTP servers NTS-6002 side view
Reliable NTP servers for synchronised time

Accurate time is essential for businesses to be profitable and for organisations to be effective. Reliable NTP servers receive the time

Galleon NTP time sync
NTP Time Sync

Accurate time is essential for a wide range of businesses and applications. Schools, transport hubs, banks, and many other

GPS NTP network time server, receiver and TimeSync software
Radio and GPS NTP network time server

Galleon Systems’ GPS NTP network time server can receive time signals from both GPS satellites and radio towers. The server uses a

Standalone dual time server
Standalone dual time server: GPS and MSF

Galleon Systems’ standalone dual time server can receive time signals from both GPS satellites and radio towers. The server uses a